Friday, June 19, 2015

Emma: Friday Four

four favorites // every friday

1. Fun Phone Cases
    My phone is one of my favorite accessories. Naturally, I want it to be well-dressed along with me! I currently have this phone case from Etsy but I'm in the mood to switch it up! Here are some of my favorites currently:

2. Stripes
  One print that I would be forever lost without is stripes. They are my go-to for so many outfits. I love stripes in the summertime especially because of their nautical feel. Here are some summery striped items that I'm currently coveting:

3. Water Bottles
  Why not stay hydrated in style? Luckily, with the amount of adorable water bottles out on the market, it's about as easy as pie.  With these bottles, who wouldn't want to sip all day long?
4. Headbands
       Headbands used to be my trademark--I had a bow headband in a few different colors that I wore every. single. day. Four years later, I still love them! (Just not quiiiiite as much.) Here are a few styles that I have been obsessed with lately:

Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!


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